"For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ." —1 Corinthians 12:12

  • Pastor Allen cook

    senior pastor

    Pastor Allen Cook is the Senior Pastor here at Grace. He has helped found this church in 1985—nearly 40 years of service to the community of Brentwood, NH. Known for his unwavering stance for the truth of the Word of God, and his prophetic gifts, Allen has been a faithful shepherd to the body of Christ. 

  • pastor Lucie cook

    Lucie Cook is a pastor and teacher alongside her husband, Allen. Lucie is a gifted minister, prayer warrior, and knowledgeable teacher. Leader of the women's groups, the Sozo healing ministry, member counsel and much more, Lucie has served the body of Christ within the walls of Grace with a loving and maternal nature. 

  • garry mangion

    Elder & Men's Ministry Leader

    Garry is a longstanding member at Grace Ministries. He has been an usher, part of the worship team, and head of the men's small groups for our church. Garry is an excellent trumpet player and enjoys disciplines other men in the church to lead holy and God-glorifying lives in all that they do. 

  • bonnie bowley

    Head of children's ministry

    Bonnie found Christ through the truth given to her from the pulpit, here at Grace Ministries almost 5 year ago! Bonnie is a homeschool mom to 3 children of her own and has a passion to bring the truths of God's love to the Children of Grace. Bonnie has a desire to bring Biblical stories to life through hands-on play and application! Parents & their kids love Bonnie deeply.

  • Shirley Gillespie

    Prayer & Healing

    Shirley has been a part of Grace Ministries for over 35 years! Her warm and tender heart can be felt as she lifts up each and every person that walks into the doors of Grace with prayer. Shirley believes in the power of prayer and knows the Lord Jesus Christ to be our Healer, our Physician, and our Great Comforter.