Africa 2024 Missions Trip

In August 2024 several members of Grace Ministries International undertook a mission adventure to the Bible Truth Revival Centre in Nairobi, Kenya to support the ongoing building up of the church, school, and orphanage there. This is a continuation of an outreach to that nation that Pastor Allen Cook has been invested in for over 25 years.

Pastor Allen was accompanied by Angel Galvis from Mission Life, along with Dennis Morrison, Paul Preston, Patricia Graham, and Christine Brown from GMI. Each brought their own unique gifts, abilities, and testimonies. The team brought nursing, science, and entrepreneurial business experiences as well as love, peace, and joy!

At the school and orphanage, the team provided fun lessons to approximately 220 children, including lessons in hiding God’s Word in your heart, karate/self-defense, science lessons, and various games. At the general assembly and men’s and women’s groups, the team offered encouragement and testimonies for building up the Body of Christ.

Angel Galvis of Mission Life guided the team in discovering community needs that might benefit from long-term mission building in the future, and offered training in discipleship and service to one another as we all grow more into the image of our Father.

The goal of the mission trip was to bring glory to God by laboring in the Word “until Christ be formed in you” (Galatians 4:19).

 Bwana asifiwe! (Swahili for “Praise the Lord!”)