

    We offer a variety of small groups that are meant to create community and connection with Christ as our foundation. As a body of believers, we are called to build one another up and edify each other. We know that through connective small groups, we are able to grow closer to Christ, create community, and effectively apply these truths to our lives.

    Below is a list of the small groups we offer at Grace Ministries. 


      Women's Group



      Join us on ZOOM; MEETING ID IS 82218162863 (PASSCODE 373737)

      The Bible emphasizes the importance of prayer in our lives. Many of us don’t know how to pray or are afraid of not being able to pray like other people. If you would like a safe place to learn how to pray silently and aloud, come. If you would like to increase your prayer life, come. If you would like to know what it means to pray in the Spirit, come. All women are welcome to this class where we learn together how to connect with God to a greater degree.

    • Dreams & Visions

      Open to all

      Tuesday evenings @ 6:30 PM

      GMI Prayer Room

      Join us on Zoom: Meeting ID - 82434487371 (passcode - 373737)

      Do you often wake up feeling there was a significant message in your dream, but you’re not sure what it is? Even as you sleep, Heaven is communicating with you. You could be receiving divine inspiration, creative solutions to problems, and direction from the Lord when you’re “just” sleeping. This is a practical and powerful class for understanding the language that God speaks at night. You will learn how to let the Holy Spirit teach you to interpret God’s messages revealed through dreams.

    • Sally's Hope

      Women's Group

      Wednesday mornings @ 9:00 AM

      Third Sunday of every month @ 12:00 noon

      Pastor's office

      Sally’s Hope is a prayer and support group helping women uncover their true identity and worth. Through conversation and prayer, we break lies, build self-esteem, and restore dignity. To learn more, click here.

    • Depths & Heights

      Men's group

      Thursday evenings @ 6:30 PM

      GMI Prayer Room

      Depths & Heights is a truth-based, mission-driven brotherhood of believers. We gather together to equip and spur one another on in the Great Race of Faith.

      Men have an important and vital role in our families, in society and in the world. Using Jesus as our perfect example of manhood, we aim to steward our God-given gifts of leadership, provision, fatherhood and friendship to lead a Christ-centered life while inspiring those around us to do the same.

    • Praying for the Lost

      Open to all

      Last Saturday of every month @ 10:00 AM

      GMI Prayer Room

      If you have loved ones who need prayer, come and join us! There is power in unity, and by praying together we support one another. This group is not just for prayer and support, but also to help build our individual faith in God.

    • austin 17 house

      Austin17House is an affiliated organization at our facility that promotes a stronger community by providing recreational activities, workshops, and special events for youth and families. Check out their website or Facebook page for details.